Democratic Club of Phelps County March Meeting
Thursday, March 25, 5:00 - 7:00
Lions Club Park, Rolla, Pavilions 1 & 2
We have met as a club only twice since January 2020. We are now going to slowly and conservatively ease into our old meeting schedule starting with our March meeting. It is open to the public. Attendees should bring their own food and beverages.
Face masks and social distancing will be required. Hopefully, at the following meeting (May 2021) we will be back to our old format and able to enjoy more spirited mingling and interaction.
If the weather is not suitable for an outdoor gathering, the meeeting will be rescheduled. An announcement will be sent at the appropriate time.
Meeting Agenda:
The focus of this meeting will be on the upcoming events of spring and summer:
- Route 66 Summerfest will be held June 4th and June 5th. The club has reserved a booth for this event. It is a wonderful way to introduce folks to who we are and what we stand for. We always have a sign-up sheet which is a great way to get people involved.
- Stump Picnic is an annual event for the Club. Held the Saturday after the Fourth of July, we will invite candidates and political figures to come and give a brief "stump speech".
- Introduction of the Democratic Club of Phelps County Nominating Committee for the next Executive Committee (board of directors) of the club.
- All those interested in running for an office can contact one of the Nominating Committee members. Officers will be nominated at the May meeting. Officers will be elected and installed at the September meeting. All persons holding an elective office must be a member in good standing and a registered voter of Phelps County.
- Socialize after business meeting