Democratic Club of Phelps County
Greetings all,
We will have our April 20th Club meeting at the Phelps County Courthouse Multipurpose Room.
We will have a potluck dinner, so please bring food items to the Courthouse beginning at 6:15 pm.
The agenda for the evening will be:
Welcome, opening comments - 6:30 pm
Dinner - shortly after 6:30 pm
Speaker - 7 p.m. - Dr. Ryan Cheek, Missouri University of Science and Technology. The title of the talk is "The AI election is coming: What you need to know about the impact of artificial intelligence on campaign technology and democracy ."
Description: Are you ready for the AI election? Artificial intelligence is changing the game of politics. Everything from how campaigns reach voters to how they craft messages and more will be disrupted. But this technology also poses serious challenges to democracy locally, nationally, and globally. How can we make sure that AI is used ethically and transparently by political campaigns? Join us to learn about the current and future trends of AI in politics and how you can be an informed and engaged activist, citizen, and voter in the coming AI election.
We hope everyone can make it! Bring a friend!