Democratic Club of Phelps County
September General Club Meeting
When: September 21, 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Phelps County Courthouse Multipurpose Room
What: Democratic Club of Phelps County General Meeting and Potluck
Greetings all,
We will have our September General meeting on September 21, 2023. We will have a potluck dinner, so, please bring food items beginning at 6:15 p.m. to the kitchen near the multipurpose room.
We will have our Club Officer elections during this meeting and talk about how you can be involved in Club activities and upcoming events.
We are also going to spend some time discussing upcoming elections and where/how/why we need to put candidates on our local ballots. We will have people who have run for office speak about the process and what it means to serve in a local elected office.
I hope to see everyone there!
Kari Craun
President, Democratic Club of Phelps County